A Far-flung Guardian

A Sailor Cosmos Shrine

Now I know
I had chosen the right path.

No one can destroy the place where stars are born.
Because of this place we are all alive today.
We can start over again and again.

I won't run anymore.
I'll follow the path I'm on.

I was blessed by the enormous power
of Eternal Sailor Moon.
The power to lose everything...
...And the power to save everything.
The ultimate power that I was forgetting.

Sailor Cosmos is everything I love in a character, loving yet destructive, broken yet healing, willing to learn from her past and find a better future. Then there's her character design. Shallow yes but she is, by far my favorite, character design-wise. All with her white and gold uniform - magical, delicate, yet strong, She is everything I want from a magical girl character.

Through Chibi-Chibi, we get a lot of foreshadowing for what she is and why she's here with Usagi. From a young girl who just shows up, like Chibi-usa, to seeking out and comforting Usagi, transforming the first time and adding her power to Usagi, saving the princess and keeping her spirts up, and then by going with everyone to the final fight we get to know her. Like all good foreshadowing, I did not pick up on most of it the first time I read it, despite beign spoiled. Upon a rereading I found myself grinning several times through out Stars as I picked up on all the hints

Despite her kindness, Sailor Cosmos's despair has led her down a dark path. And yet it really takes very little to remind her of who she is and what she's fighting for. Which brings me to how Sailor Cosmos feels both like Usagi but also like her own self. She's so much older. Has been through so much pain and despair. But even then she's absolutely Usagi, with her loving yet fierce heart. As an aside this scene also finishes off Usagi's character devlopemnt nicely, the girl who needed the words of those around her to continue fighting now being the one to provide that strength to another is a beautiful ending.

Finally, I love how. when we leave Cosmos, her story is hopeful and open ended. Not a tragic figure but the invincible Sailor Moon. The Messiah, she's still the holder of the Silver Moon Crystal. The most brilliant star in the galaxy. She'll know happiness and piece and warmth of being surrounded by her loved ones again. No matter how long it takes.

Never did a character with such a small part in a story leave such a big impression on me. Sailor Cosmos is, for me, the ultimate symbol of what Sailor Moon is about. Finding hope and the willingness to live your truth no matter what is thrown at you. To keep going, keep following your path and don't let anyone or anything stop you. To keep the star within you shinning even when all you can see is darkness.